Mid-summer Updates




Happy Summer!

I know things have been a bit slow as far as updates here on the studio's main site but things have still been busy behind the scenes! Weekly design streams and frequently uploads on my Youtube channel have continued with little disruptions. I've been trying to keep up the recording sessions for the ongoing Hollow Knight LP. The latest section of footage is done and is being edited now. That series is going to continue until I reach the end of the main game. I'm considering switching to a different game after that just to mix things up before getting into Hollow Knight's DLC. The LP itself will be one of the longer ones on the channel.

Store updates will be coming soon as well. I'm working on a large update to the store content that's going to include a large section of the Draconic Council designs. I think the dragon face and full renders would adapt well to the product layouts on Redbubble but I want to do the update in one set of uploads. I'll probably post a Twitter update when that happens.

That should do it for the studio updates so far. I have begun some concept development on this year's Halloween project as well. I'm hoping to start work on it a bit earlier so I can devote more time to lore writing. Once things are underway, there will be updates here on the main page.

Thanks for stopping by!
