New Developments and Mache WIP Pictures!


Another quick post to follow up on the last one. I've ordered parts for a new computer. This one is going to be mostly a new build with some of the surviving pieces of the old machine. Overall, it should be much more powerful and will allow for faster processing of things like Youtube videos. I'll also hopefully be able to get Twitch running better and can get back to some intial test streams before we launch that project.

In the meantime, I've uploaded three Work in Progress (WIP) shots from my latest dragon trophy project over on DA. Rather than duplicate the narratives here, I'll just link the first one.

These pictures were taking during the construction phase where I put the papier mache bits together with hot glue and a ton of masking tape. I build things out with more paper and tape while adding features reinforced with wire hangers. The next step will be the cloth skin application phase where I add torn bed sheets soaked in white glue over the piece to give it a rigid skin for painting. As I mentioned in one of the posts, I've been trying to capture parts of the process with my camera with plans to cut a high speed time lapse video together. I'm slightly concerned that the footage quality may vary due inconsistent lighting across sessions but I'll look at everything once the project is done. If I'm able to get through the skin phase before I have the new machine up and running, I'll post another update here and on DA.

Thanks for visiting!
