Obligatory Introduction Post
The name's TK and this is my first official post here on the main site! I've signed on as a regular contributing artist as of this month and I'm glad to be here! To give a little background, I've been a pencil on paper artist ever since I was very small. Over the last couple years, I've gotten access to some more advanced tools for drawing in the digital format. I'm still pretty new at it but I'm working at slowly bringing the things I drew on paper into the digital realm. You can find my random scribblings on my Deviant Art site. It doesn't get updated super often but I'll usually put new stuff over there first. I've done a bunch of work with the Monster Hunter video game series but I also have my own universe of characters I'm working on. In between I put up random drawings here or there.
As an official artist, I'll be working closely with Zan on some direct collaborations and I also hope to get more items up on the main Redbubble store. A couple of my projects are there already and I've got plenty of other ideas.
Anyways, this is just a short intro post. When I have new announcements, I'll make sure they go up here in addition to journal posts on DA!
See ya!