Spring Update
We're already into Spring now and while things have been quiet on the update front, a lot has been going on behind the scenes. My regular content on Deviant Art and Youtube has been staying consistent. The current Let's Play going on is Milon's Secret Castle and will be wrapping up soon. I'm going to be experimenting with a new format for Quick Looks after this so expect that to kick off after the LP is finished.
I've also continued to host (mostly) weekly streams over on Twitch. They've primarily been Design Streams and you can find out when the next one will by following me over on Twitter. Occasionally when I feel like embarrassing myself live, I'll switch formats to one of my Gaming Streams where I attempt to beat NES games with often catastrophic results. We played through the original Ninja Gaiden last time and it was painful.
Let's talk about some upcoming projects. Those that have been tuning into the Design Streams may have seen some hints about the next big project I'm hoping to launch in May. It's going to be a cross-media ongoing collaboration project which will be a significant deviation from the design and papier mache work I've done. I've also mentioned the debut of a new ongoing Design series that will run parallel to the other series. The mache work has been on hold for a bit lately but I do plan on posting another entry in the Mache Miniatures series at some point soon. I'm also in the process of sketching out some drafts for a new wearable piece. That one is going to be a bit more complicated and will probably end up stretching into October. Hopefully that will coincide nicely with Halloween.
That's about it for now. I plan to schedule these update posts a bit more frequently so the information isn't as sparse. As other things come from the rest of the studio, you can expect to see posts here as well.
Thanks for visiting!