Project Updates and Timeline


If you've been to our site consistently over the last few years you might be wondering why there was no papier mache event around Halloween this year. I've made it a point in the past to do either a combined release or countdown to my favorite holiday. This year a combination of real-life factors in October pushed my plans back and I was forced to re-evaluate the likelihood of getting something completely finished on time. Rather than try to push out something lackluster, I decided to move the timeline back and spend some more time on the project.

Right now, it looks like the actual event will begin in November. I haven't picked a start date yet as I'm still finalizing several pieces. Instead of a short event, I'm planning for this to be the start of an ongoing series that continues the story and lore of Faceless Summoner universe we established last year. I will be doing some filming and will hopefully be able to post a sort of teaser trailer once I've decided on a start date. It will most likely be towards the middle or later part of November.

Thanks for stopping by!
